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Create Webhook#

Creates a webhook.


Refer to Paymongo documentation for payload guidelines.


use Luigel\Paymongo\Facades\Paymongo;
$webhook = Paymongo::webhook()->create([    'url' => 'http://your-domain/webhook/source-chargeable',    'events' => [        'source.chargeable'    ]]);

List all Webhooks#

Returns all the webhooks you previously created, with the most recent webhooks returned first.


use Luigel\Paymongo\Facades\Paymongo;
$webhook = Paymongo::webhook()->all();

Enable or Disable Webhooks#

Set the webhook enable or disable.


use Luigel\Paymongo\Facades\Paymongo;// Enable webhook$webhook = Paymongo::webhook()->find('hook_9VrvpRkkYqK6twbhuvcVTtjM')->enable();
// Disable webhook$webhook = Paymongo::webhook()->find('hook_9VrvpRkkYqK6twbhuvcVTtjM')->disable();

Update Webhook#

Updates a specific webhook


use Luigel\Paymongo\Facades\Paymongo;
$webhook = Paymongo::webhook()->find('hook_9VrvpRkkYqK6twbhuvcVTtjM')->update([    'url' => '']);

Webhook Middleware#

Laravel paymongo has a middleware for protecting your webhook, suggested by Paymongo. Check the link here. Securing a Webhook. Optional but highly recommended. You can put your webhook in the api.php like so.

/** @var \Route $router */$router->group(    [        'namespace' => 'Paymongo',        'as' => 'paymongo.',        'middleware' => 'paymongo.signature' // If you want to have only one signature key add this middleware in the group route where your webhook routes are defined.    ],    function () use ($router) {    // This example is for different signature key for each webhook.        $router->post(            '/source-chargeable',            'PaymongoCallbackController@sourceChargeable'        )            ->middleware('paymongo.signature:source_chargeable')            ->name('source-chargeable');
        $router->post(            '/payment-paid',            'PaymongoCallbackController@paymentPaid'        )            ->middleware('paymongo.signature:payment_paid')            ->name('payment-paid');
        $router->post(            '/payment-failed',            'PaymongoCallbackController@paymentFailed'        )            ->middleware('paymongo.signature:payment_failed')            ->name('payment-failed');                    $router->post(            '/payment-refunded',            'PaymongoCallbackController@paymentRefunded'        )            ->middleware('paymongo.signature:payment_refunded')            ->name('payment-refunded');                            $router->post(            '/payment-refund-updated',            'PaymongoCallbackController@paymentRefundUpdated'        )            ->middleware('paymongo.signature:payment_refund_updated')            ->name('payment-refund-updated');    });
# then add this to you .env file
# you can get secret key when creating an webhook

Artisan Commands#

We can list, add, and toggle the webhooks using the artisan commands out of the box.

  • Adding webhook.#

php artisan paymongo:webhook
  • List webhooks#

php artisan paymongo:list-webhooks
  • Enable webhook with webhook id#

php artisan paymongo:toggle-webhook {webhook_id} --enable
  • Disable webhook with webhook id#

php artisan paymongo:toggle-webhook {webhook_id} --disable
  • Or you can just run paymongo:toggle-webhook and input needed data on runtime.#

php artisan paymongo:toggle-webhook