Payment Methods
Create Payment MethodCreates a payment methods. It holds the information such as credit card information and billing information.
PayloadRefer to Paymongo documentation for payload.
Sampleuse Luigel\Paymongo\Facades\Paymongo;
$paymentMethod = Paymongo::paymentMethod()->create([ 'type' => 'card', 'details' => [ 'card_number' => '4343434343434345', 'exp_month' => 12, 'exp_year' => 25, 'cvc' => "123", ], 'billing' => [ 'address' => [ 'line1' => 'Somewhere there', 'city' => 'Cebu City', 'state' => 'Cebu', 'country' => 'PH', 'postal_code' => '6000', ], 'name' => 'Rigel Kent Carbonel', 'email' => '', 'phone' => '0935454875545' ],]);
Get Payment MethodRetrieve a payment method given an ID. Just pass the payment method id to find($id)
Sampleuse Luigel\Paymongo\Facades\Paymongo;
$paymentMethod = Paymongo::paymentMethod()->find('pm_wr98R2gwWroVxfkcNVZBuXg2');