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Paymongo for Laravel#

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A PHP Library for Paymongo.

This package is not affiliated with Paymongo. The package requires PHP 7.2+


You can install the package via composer:

composer require luigel/laravel-paymongo

Laravel 6 and up uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.

Put your Secret Key and Public Key and the Webhook secret in your .env file.

# PaymongoPAYMONGO_SECRET_KEY=PAYMONGO_PUBLIC_KEY=# This is the secret from the webhook you created.PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG=

Compatibility and Supported Versions#

Laravel-Paymongo supports Laravel 6.x and up.

8.x.x (PHP 7.4)1.x
8.x.x (PHP 8.0)2.x

Configuring the package#

You can publish the config file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Luigel\Paymongo\PaymongoServiceProvider" --tag=config

This is the contents of the file that will be published at config/paymongo.php:

return [
    'livemode' => env('PAYMONGO_LIVEMODE', false),
    /**     * Public and Secret keys from Paymongo. You can get the keys here     */
    /**     * Public keys are meant to be used for any requests coming from the frontend, such as generating tokens or sources,     * either using Javascript or through the mobile SDKs.     * Public keys cannot be used to trigger payments or modify any part of the transaction flow.     * They have the prefix pk_live_ for live mode and pk_test_ for test mode.     */    'public_key' => env('PAYMONGO_PUBLIC_KEY', null),
    /**     * Secret keys, on the other hand, are for triggering or modifying payments. Never share your secret keys anywhere     * that is publicly accessible: Github, client-side Javascript code, your website or even chat rooms.     * The prefixes for the secret keys are sk_live_ for live mode and sk_test_ for test mode.     */    'secret_key' => env('PAYMONGO_SECRET_KEY', null),
    /**     * Paymongo's team continuously adding more features and integrations to the API.     * Currently, the API supports doing payments via debit and credit cards issued by Visa and Mastercard.     */    'version' => env('PAYMONGO_VERSION', '2019-08-05'),
    /*     * This class is responsible for calculating the signature that will be added to     * the headers of the webhook request. A webhook client can use the signature     * to verify the request hasn't been tampered with.     */    'signer' => \Luigel\Paymongo\Signer\DefaultSigner::class,
    /**     * Paymongo webhooks signature secret.     */    'webhook_signatures' => [        'payment_paid' => env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG_PAYMENT_PAID', env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG')),        'payment_failed' => env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG_PAYMENT_FAILED', env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG')),        'source_chargeable' => env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG_SOURCE_CHARGABLE', env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG')),    ],
    /**     * Webhook signature configuration for backwards compatibility.     */    'webhook_signature' => env('PAYMONGO_WEBHOOK_SIG'),
    /*     * This is the name of the header where the signature will be added.     */    'signature_header_name' => env('PAYMONGO_SIG_HEADER', 'paymongo-signature'),
    /**     * This is the amount type to automatically convert the amount in your payload.     * The default is Paymongo::AMOUNT_TYPE_FLOAT.     *     * Choices are: Paymongo::AMOUNT_TYPE_FLOAT, or Paymongo::AMOUNT_TYPE_INT     */    'amount_type' => \Luigel\Paymongo\Paymongo::AMOUNT_TYPE_FLOAT,];